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Luna 2




18 20 23 26
18 20 23 26


  18 20 23 26
投影面积 (m²) 15.6 17.3 19.9 22.5
平铺面积 (m²) 18 20 23 26
重量 (kg) 4.5 5 5.5 6
高度 (m) 6.5 6.8 7.3 7.8
主伞绳数 (A/B/C) 3/4/3/2
气室数 52
平铺展弦比 5.4
中心弦长 (m) 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.8
平铺翼展 (m) 9.6 10.1 10.9 11.6
投影翼展 (m) 7.7 8.2 8.7 9.3
配平速度 (km/h) 39
最大速度 (km/h) 65
飞行全重范围 (kg) 80-120 80-120 90-140 105-160
Airworthiness Certificate Yes


LUNA 2是一款非常全面且多用途的半反射翼形伞翼,专为动力滑翔而设计。它既被学校用于培训新飞行员,又能在高级别比赛中表现出色——我们的团队飞行员Bene就凭借LUNA 2赢得了2019年英国动力竞赛冠军。它的全面性在其自身特点上展现得淋漓尽致:舒适性和安全性完美结合,并充分展现性能和速度。

LUNA 2是对上一代标杆伞翼LUNA的改进,现在它拥有重新优化后的半反射翼形,强大的鲨鱼鼻和新的翼展弧形。同时,LUNA 2还具有全新的组带加速系统,配有专用的转向手柄、配平调节和加速棒,以及我们标志性的CCB 3D塑形。出色的BGD操控手感加上醒目的星际色彩更让LUNA 2充满魅力。

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Reflex profile

A reflex profile means better stability at high speeds.



Tip Steering Toggles

We have added dedicated magnetically fastened tip steering handles into the glider to make high-speed manoeuvres easy and safer.

Elliptical arc

A high and elliptical arc gives the wing good handling, and makes it more stable under power.

Arched diagonals

Carefully arched diagonals in the internal structure of the LUNA 2 distribute tension more evenly across the wing, reducing wrinkles and increasing performance.

8.5 cm trimmers

The LUNA 2 is fitted with trimmers, with a range of 8.5cm.

135mm Speed Bar Travel

We have found 135mm to be the perfect amount of speed bar for our intermediate wings. This allows us to achieve maximum speed range while keeping well within the stability limits.

Replaceable brake pulleys

With a simple around-and-through, you can easily replace those squeaky old brake pulleys or switch them for rings.

Progressive Stability

Progressive stability has been designed into all our gliders to help pilots feel turbulence and avoid it. This makes for safer and more comfortable flying.


三、二、一,助推器点火,我们的LUNA 2已经升空。这款横空出世的动力伞的终极使命,是拓宽动力伞飞行员们探索天空的可能性。这款高科技的飞行器将带飞行员们发现新的天际线,再安全地把他们带回地面。


在LUNA 2的设计中,我们专注于轻松起伞、操控乐趣、稳定性和最高速度——动力飞行挑战所需要的一切。CCB前缘剪切技术让LUNA 2拥有平滑而完美的半反射翼形,这让它在任何速度下都具有出色的稳定性。

飞行水平 / 风格


滑翔伞 / 捆扎带 / 组带保护袋 / 内伞包 / 伞包 / 修补工具包 / Manual card / BGD stickers / BGD giveaway


上翼面 Dominico N30 42g/m²
下翼面 Porcher Eazyfly 40g/m²
内部结构 Porcher Skytex Hard 40g/m²
伞鼻加固 Plastic wire 2.4mm and 2.7mm
组带 20mm Kevlar/Nylon webbing
滑轮 Riley and Sprenger
上层伞绳 Liros DSL – sheathed Dyneema
中层伞绳 Liros DSL
下层伞绳 Liros TSL
刹车绳 Liros DSL


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BGD Motor



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