Jeremy Howe

united states

Jeremy Howe began his paramotor obsession when he was a student at Michigan State University. He is an avid snowboarder and has always enjoyed adventure sports. He discovered paramotors after clicking on YouTube’s recommended videos one too many times! In 2019, he received formal instruction and started his para-journey! The liberating feeling of adventure and new perspective of the world has been quite addictive. There is so much depth to paramotoring that allows you to continue to build your skills and to never stop learning.
 Jeremy has flown all over the United States and in Spain and Egypt. As an United States Powered Paragliding Association Board Member, he has represented the USPPA at numerous events including EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, Bad Apples, and numerous smaller events. He is a tandem pilot who loves to share the joys of flight during introductory tandem flights. He has met so many fantastic people in our small paramotor community.

Jeremy chose to fly BGD because he loved the design and personality of the gliders. The Luna 2 has been an amazing cross country glider and he’s excited to get more airtime on his Luna 3!

Outside of paramotoring, Jeremy is overdue to marry his wonderful fiancé, Kelsey. Together, they have the world’s best dog, Ellie. They also go on backcountry hiking and snowboarding trips together.
In the future, Jeremy hopes to go on more paramotor adventures around the world, do more paragliding, share our sport during tandem flights, become an airshow performer, and execute USPPA project ideas. He will continue to be an advocate for safety and the wonders of running into the sky.


  • 年龄 : 30
  • 开始飞行的年份 : 2019
  • 当前使用装备 : Luna 3
  • 主要飞行场地 : The coastline of the Great Lakes, Luxor Egypt, Bornos Spain, Arizona, Florida
  • 职业 : Senior Financial Analyst
  • 其他爱好 : Snowboarding, hiking, jet-skiing, onewheeling, kayaking, fishing
