- Maximize the Fun -

Dual Motor

Versatile Tandem

A DGAC/EN-B rated versatile tandem paramotor wing, designed by Bruce to maximise the fun.




投影面積(m²) 34.33
展開面積(m²) 40
グライダー重量(kg) 7.5
総ライン長(m) 450
高さ(m) 9.4
各ライン数(A / B / C) 3/4/3/2
セル 52
展開アスペクト比 5.3
投影アスペクト比 3.9
ルートコード(m) 3.5
展開スパン(m) 15.6
投影スパン(m) 11.5
トリム速度(km / h) 42
最高速度(km / h) 52
最小沈下 (m/s) 1
最良滑空 9
飛行重量(kg) 120-240
Free-flight weight range (kg) 120-220
Certification (EN/LTF) B
Airworthiness Certificate Yes


The Dual is a both DGAC/EN-B rated versatile tandem paramotor wing, designed by Bruce to maximise the fun. With one size at 40m² flat and a weight range of 120 - 250 kg it is the ideal size for light tandem trikes and tandem paramotors.

We have added CCB to the Dual’s leading edge to improve inflation, stability, and performance. The Dual is equipped with trimmers that create a light reflex profile when engaged so pilots can adjust the trim according to their setup and enjoy stable speed while touring.

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Power Steering

Our tandems have been designed to respond very effectively to the brakes coupled with a ultra light brake pressure gives the feeling of ‘power steering’. This makes the handling closer to that of a solo wing.









Tandem Trimmers

Trimmers allow the pilot to let out or shorten the training edge of the profile essentially reducing to increasing the angle of attack thus speeding up or slowing down the air speed, respectively. The trimmer webbing has been designed to be replaceable if they become worn.

Replaceable brake pulleys

With a simple around-and-through, you can easily replace those squeaky old brake pulleys or switch them for rings.

Tandem Risers

Our tandem risers have been rigorously tested by our fleet of tandem professionals and thoroughly live up to the task.

Two FAI World Records

This tandem holds 2 FAI world records for distance and altitude. Ant Green and Elliot Nochez broke the altitude world record flying over 5066m above the Mont Blanc and Ruben Vicente Crespo and Jose Ramon Martin broke the distance world record by flying 568km during a 10 hour flight across Spain.


Do you live and breathe paramotoring? Have you given up trying to explain to friends and family what it feels like and now offer to take them tandem? Has it turned into a business or stayed a fun bonus to solo flying? The Dual tandem paramotor wing was made for you.

The Dual is designed for commercial and hobby paramotor/paratrike/motorhead pilots who use this aircraft as a safe tool to maximise the flying experience with their friends, family and customers. We think paramotoring provides amazing feelings of flight; this paramotor wing is designed to share these sensations with others. Thanks to Bruce’s easy launch, power steering and Cord Cut Billow (CCB), the Dual is for the pilot that wants impeccable safety, easy launch/landing characteristics, light handling, reflex stability, brilliant performance and stable speed.


When I fly tandem paramotors I don’t feel like I have enough control over the wing, especially while turning. I think this is because a tandem wing is usually faster, holding more energy and inertia than a solo wing. Personally, I don't have enough strength in my arms to make the glider do what I want. I am not going to start weight training so I designed the Dual to have softer and, most importantly, very reactive brakes. This gives the pilot more authority for launching, flying and landing, and feels more like a solo wing.

While producing the Dual we focused a lot of energy into the launch/landing characteristics. The Dual has a smooth progressive inflation that allows the pilot time to correct and adapt for changes in wind or terrain. It does not rip the pilot or shoot hard during high wind launching and self stabilizes once over head. Tandem pilots love this since they can’t always fly on nil wind days.

Flying Level / Style


パラグライダー / コンプレッションストラップ / ライザーケース / インナーケース / リュックサック / 交換用のトリマー / リペアキット / Manual card / BGD stickers / BGD giveaway


Top surface Porcher 40g/m²
Bottom surface Dominico D20 36g/m²
Internal structure Dominico D30 DFM / N20
Nose reinforcing Plastic wire 2,5mm and 2,0 mm
Risers 20mm Kevlar/Nylon webbing
Pulleys Ronstan/Harken P18 pulleys
Top lines Liros DSL – sheathed Dyneema
Middle lines Liros TSL
Lower lines Liros TSL
Brakes Liros DSL


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BGD Motor

