Kyle started flying from his back yard with his father. It quickly took over his life. He has been able to travel all over the world for flying and now works full time as an instructor in Florida. He chooses to fly BGD for many reasons, he really appreciates the gliders and how much BGD put into creating each and every glider. He also appreciates the people and the friendships gained from these experiences with BGD. In the future Kyle hopes to race in the Icarus Trophy, the longest paramotor race in the world. He would also like to attempt to beat the current world record for infinite tumbles on a paramotor. Outside of flying Kyle enjoys spending time with his wife, four dogs, and their young son who was born in 2021. He really enjoys creating videos to inspire those who do not fly to become pilots and get to share the experience.
The ADAM 2 MOTOR is our new beginner-friendly paramotor wing. It's safe, easy, fun and durable – perfect for schools, with EN-A certification for free flight. 更多