British Paramotor Championships 2022
BGD were well represented at the British Open Paramotor Championships in Lincolnshire last week (7-9 July), with two podium wins. Bene Bös placed third in the Open (overall) and Blaise Brogan was third in the British Championship. Lars Mielke was eighth overall, all flying LUNA 2s.
Bene won five tasks outright and was leading the competition as it went into its final day, but was still suffering the after-effects of a recent Covid infection, and decided not to fly the Saturday morning task. He writes:
"It's just 2,5 weeks since my Covid infection and because of my asthma I still have some problems with my lungs while doing physical activities. So I had to take it easy and skipped one flight Saturday morning as I didn't feel good enough. At the end I still managed to be on 3rd place in the Open (Overall) Ranking.
"We flew several navigation tasks (Pure snake navigation, Constant Speed Navigation, Declared Speed Navigation), but also Eco Tasks (Pure Economy – longest airtime, and Eco Triangle – biggest FAI Triangle with limited fuel) and several different precision tasks including Spot- and Bowling landing.
"At the Eco triangle I expected much stronger wind and planned my triangle too small. Thanks to changing my carburettor settings I used only 3l/min, but was not able to expand the triangle over 73km to stay within FAI rules. So I had to go back to the airfield with still 3l in the tank!
"It was a great competition with a nice atmosphere, great sportsmanship and professional scoring. I can only recommend everybody to go there next year to try the British Format which is a mix from Endurance and Classic competitions with lots of airtime".
1. Daniel Jones
2. Russell Hesketh-Roberts
3. Bene Bös
British Open
1. Daniel Jones
2. Russell Hesketh-Roberts
3. Blaise Brogan
Photos: Bene Bös, Blaise Brogan, Custom Air Paramotors
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